are always warmly welcome -

28 June 2006

A visual database/gazetteer of natural and man-made features, together with their long/lat coordinates [in decimal degrees] extracted from Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) databases, for each country of the world. The covered features include:

** City or Community :
* PPLA - major cities (seat of a first-order admin division) * PPLC - country capital * PPLL - populated locality * PPLQ - abandoned populated place * PPLW - destroyed populated place

** Administrative Region [entities and divisions]

** Spot Feature (man-made features) :
* ANS - ancient site * BDG - bridge * BLDG - building(s) * CSTL - castle * FRM - farm * FT - fort * GDN - garden(s) * HLT - halting place * MKT - market * ML - mill(s) * MLWTR - water mill * MN - mine(s) * MNAU - gold mine(s) * MNC - coal mine(s) * MNCU - copper mine(s) * MNFE - iron mine(s) * MNPB - lead mine(s) * MNQR - quarry(-ies) * MSQE - mosque * MSTY - monastery * PAL - palace * PSTP - patrol post * RHSE - resthouse [i.e. caravansarai] * RUIN - ruin(s) * SHPF - sheepfold * SHRN - shrine * TMB - tomb(s) * WALLA - ancient wall

** Land Resource :

* GAP - gap * GRGE - gorge(s) * PASS - pass

Water Resource :
* CNL - canal * CNLA - aqueduct * CNLSB - underground irrigation canal(s) * HBR - harbor(s) * RSVT - water tank * SPNG - spring(s) * STM - stream * WAD - wadi * WLL - well * WLLS - wells * WTRC - watercourse * WTRH - waterhole(s)

** Road or Railroad

** Area

** Vegetation :
* CULT - cultivated area * FRST - forest(s) * GRVP - palm grove * OCH - orchard(s)

Please note that the above details were correct on the day this post was published. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at