are always warmly welcome -

10 May 2004

DATASET: Trade and transportation routes in Tibet circa 1900-1950 CE - dataset 2

14 data points defining routes connecting Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Yatung, Gyantse, Shigatse, Lhasa, Sakya, Nagchukha, Kumbum, and Beijing

Gyatso, Tenzin. 1992. Freedom in Exile: The Autobiography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet. London: Abacus Books.
Norbu, Dawa T. 1997. Tibet: The Road Ahead. London: Random House.
Norbu, Thubten Jighe and Colin Turnbull. 1976. Tibet: Its History, Religion and People. Hardmondsworth: Penguin Books.

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01 May 2004

DATASET: Amber Road routes in Antiquity (200 BCE-400 CE)

32 data points defining major Amber Road between Baltic Sea and the Adriatic

The Central European Amber Road, online map in "Die Oesterreichische Bernsteinstrasse", , email:
Wojtowicz, Piotr. 1956. Zycie Gospodarczo-Spoleczne Dawnej Polski [The Socio-Economic Life of Old Poland]. pp. 252-279 In: Paszkiewicz, Henryk (ed.). 1956. Polska i jej Dorobek Dziejowy [Poland and Her Historical Achievement]. London: Ksiegarnia Polska Orbis - Polonia.

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DATASET: Maritime trade routes in the Mediterranean in 200 CE

46 data points defining Roman sea trade routes in the Mediterranean

Stone, Norman (ed.). 1989. "The Times" Atlas of World History. Third edition. London: Times Books Ltd. pp.91.
Scullard, H.H. 1970. From the Gracchi to Nero: a History of Rome from 133 B.C. to A.D. 68. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
Casson, Lionel. 1984. Ancient Trade and Society. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

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DATASET: Viking trade routes across Baltic Sea in 9th c. CE

7 data points defining 9th c. maritime trade routes between territories of today's Germany, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, and Estonia

Humnicki, J. and Borawska, D. (eds.). 1969a. Mapa 1: Slowianszczyzna Zachodnia w IX w. [Map 1: Western Slaws in the 9th c. A draft map, two colours, scale 1:5 mln]. In: Lowmianski, Henryk (ed.). 1969. Historia Polski: Tom 1 do roku 1764, czesc III - Chronologia, Bibliografia, Indexy, Tablice Genealogiczne, Mapy. [History of Poland: Vol 1 till 1764, part III - Chronology, Bibliography, Indices, Genealogical Tables, Maps] Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

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DATASET: Viking trade routes in Russia and Ukraine in 11th c. CE

10 data points defining 11th c. Viking trade routes between territories of today's Sweden, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey

Humnicki, J. and Borawska, D. (eds.). 1969b. Mapa 2: Polska za Boleslawa Chrobrego (992-1025). [Map 2: Poland during the rule of Boleslaw Chrobry (992-1025). A draft map, two colours, scale 1:5 mln]. In: Lowmianski, Henryk (ed.). 1969. Historia Polski: Tom 1 do roku 1764, czesc III - Chronologia, Bibliografia, Indexy, Tablice Genealogiczne, Mapy. [History of Poland: Vol 1 till 1764, part III - Chronology, Bibliography, Indices, Genealogical Tables, Maps] Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

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DATASET: Major trade roads in Poland and adjacent border regions in 1200-1450 CE.

35 data points defining major trade roads in the 13th-15th c. Poland

Wojtowicz, Piotr. 1956. Zycie Gospodarczo-Spoleczne Dawnej Polski [The Socio-Economic Life of Old Poland]. pp. 252-279, and especially pp. 261, but excluding information in the map "Trade roads at the times of Casimir the Great." at pp. 254. In: Paszkiewicz, Henryk (ed.). 1956. Polska i jej Dorobek Dziejowy [Poland and Her Historical Achievement]. London: Ksiegarnia Polska Orbis - Polonia.

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DATASET: Major trade roads in Poland and adjacent border regions in 1340-1400 CE.

152 data points defining major trade roads in the 14th-15th c. Poland

Wojtowicz, Piotr. 1956. Zycie Gospodarczo-Spoleczne Dawnej Polski [The Socio-Economic Life of Old Poland], map "Trade roads at the times of Casimir the Great", pp. 254. In: Paszkiewicz, Henryk (ed.). 1956. Polska i jej Dorobek Dziejowy [Poland and Her Historical Achievement]. London: Ksiegarnia Polska Orbis - Polonia.

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DATASET: Major trade roads in Poland and adjacent border regions in 1370 CE.

43 pairs of data points defining major trade roads in the 14th c. Poland

Rutkowski, Henryk (ed.). 1980a. Polska za Kazimierza Wielkiego (1370). [Poland during the reign of Casimir the Great (1370)] A map, four colours, scale 1:5 mln]. In: Tazbir, Janusz. 1980. Zarys Historii Polski. [An Outline of the History of Poland]. Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.

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DATASET: Major roads in Poland 1120-1180 CE

165 data points defining major roads across 12th c. Poland

Humnicki, J. and Lalik,T. (eds.). 1957b. Mapa 2b: Szkic wazniejszych szlakow drogowych Polski w drugiej polowie XII w. [Map 2b: An outline of the major road networks in Poland during the 2nd half of the 12th c. A draft map, 4 colours, scale 1:9 mln]. In: Smolka, Stanislaw. 1959. Mieszko Stary i jego wiek [Mieszko the Elder and his Age]. Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Also reprinted as a two-colour map,1:9 mln scale, In: Lowmianski, Henryk (ed.). 1969. Historia Polski: Tom 1 do roku 1764, czesc III - Chronologia, Bibliografia, Indexy, Tablice Genealogiczne, Mapy. [History of Poland: Vol 1 till 1764, part III - Chronology, Bibliography, Indices, Genealogical Tables, Maps] Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

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DATASET: French pilgrimage routes from 1000 CE till 1500 CE

38 data points defining major mediaeval pilgrimage routes across France to Santiago de Compostela

Map 'The chief pilgrimage routes across France to Santiago de Compostela.' pp. 52 in Zarnecki, George. 1985. The Monastic World: The Contributions of The Orders. pp. 36-66, in Evans, Joan (ed.). 1985. The Flowering of the Middle Ages. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.

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DATASET: French pilgrimage routes in 10th-20th c. CE

73 data points defining major 10th-20th c. pilgrimage routes across Midi-Pyrenees, France

Souter, Gillian and John Souter. 2000. Classic Walks in Western Europe. Lewisham, NSW, Australia: Off The Shelf Publishing.
Davies, Norman. 1997. Europe: a History. London: Pimlico Random House. [a map The Roads to Santiago de Compostela, p.1253].

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DATASET: Spanish pilgrimage routes in 1999 CE.

35 data points defining a pilgrimage route across Spain used in late 20th c.

Loiselle, Robert. n.d. Mon Camino de Santiago: Pelerinage a Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, 29 avril au 10 juin 1999.

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DATASET: Spanish pilgrimage routes from 900 CE till 2000 CE.

37 data points defining major post 10th c. pilgrimage routes across Spain and France

Bardwell, Sandra et al. 2000. Walking in France. Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publications. [a map on p.21].
Davies, Norman. 1997. Europe: a History. London: Pimlico Random House. [a map The Roads to Santiago de Compostela, p.1253].

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DATASET: Central European trade routes in 9th c. CE

19 data points defining 9th c. major trade routes across territories of today's Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Poland

Humnicki, J. and Borawska, D. (eds.). 1969a. Mapa 1: Slowianszczyzna Zachodnia w IX w. [Map 1: Western Slaws in the 9th c. A draft map, two colours, scale 1:5 mln]. In:
Lowmianski, Henryk (ed.). 1969. Historia Polski: Tom 1 do roku 1764, czesc III - Chronologia, Bibliografia, Indexy, Tablice Genealogiczne, Mapy. [History of Poland: Vol 1 till 1764, part III - Chronology, Bibliography, Indices, Genealogical Tables, Maps] Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

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Silk Road routes from Antiquity to the 15th c. CE

40 data points defining major Silk Road between Iran and China

Anonymous-4. 1991. A Guide to China Xinjiang and Its Neighbouring Countries (Partial). Urumqi?: China Xinjiang Overseas Tourist Corp and Xinjiang China International Travel Service. [Inset: "A Map of the Silk Road for Tourists"].

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DATASET: Silk Road routes from Antiquity to the 15th c. CE

45 data points defining major Silk Road between Levant, China and India

Foltz, Richard C. 1999. Religions of the Silk Road: Overland Trade and Cultural Exchange from Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. [Three maps, "The Silk Road" p.x-xi, "Central Asia" p.xii, "Religious minorities along the eastern Silk Road" p.xiii].

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DATASET: Silk Road routes between the Mediterranean, Iran and China from 200 BCE to 1400 CE

55 data points defining major Silk Road routes between the Mediterranean, Iran and China

Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim. 1988. Die Seidenstrasse: Handelsweg and Kulturbruecke zwischen Morgen- and Abendland. Koeln: DuMont Buchverlag. [Map: 'Die Route der historischen Seidenstrasse, dargestelt in den heutigen politischen Grenzen.' Scale 1:25M]

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DATASET: Silk Road routes from 200 BCE to 500 CE

27 data points defining major Silk Road routes between the Mediterranean, Persia and China

Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim. 1988. Die Seidenstrasse: Handelsweg and Kulturbruecke zwischen Morgen- and Abendland. Koeln: DuMont Buchverlag. [Map, pp. 9.: 'Der Verlauf der Seidenstrasse vom Iran nach China.']

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DATASET: Roads in the 13th c. CE Cambodia [Khmer]

36 data points defining various roads and movement corridors in SouthEast Asia

HATANO, Naoki. 2002. [An unnamed map of ancient Khmer] (v. Jul 2002).
a copy of Hatano's original map is available at

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DATASET: Roads in India during Mughal rule 1556-1707

88 data points defining roads in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan

Farooque, Abdul K.M. 1977. Roads and Communications in Mughal India. Delhi: Idarah-I Adabiyat-I Delli. Map 1 (pp.56-57); Map 2 (pp.216-217), Map 3 (pp.220-221)

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DATASET: Middle East trade routes in 7th-6th c. BCE

13 data points defining 7th-6th c. BCE. major trade routes across territories of today's Israel and Jordan

Cohen, Rudolph and Yigal Yisrael. 1995. The Iron Age Fortresses at 'En Haseva.

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DATASET: Hellenistic trade routes 350-100 BCE

52 data points defining Hellenistic land and sea trade routes between Greece and the East

Scarre, Chris (ed.). 1988. Past Worlds: The "Times" Atlas of Archaeology. London: Times Books Ltd. pp. 165

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DATASET: Roads in NW China in the early 20th c. CE

111 data points defining roads connecting Lanzhou, Zhangye, Hami, Urumqi and Tacheng

Cable, Mildred and Franchesca French. 1947. Through Jade Gate and Central Asia: An account of Journeys in Kansu, Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. [11th edition. First printed 1927. Includes a map of Sinkiang and the travelled route, scale 1 inch: 100 miles (approx 1:6.57M)].

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DATASET: Miscellaneous roads across the Karakoram and Pamirs

17 data points defining various roads and movement corridors in the Karakoram and Pamirs

Walker, Annabel. 1995. Aurel Stein: Pioneer of the Silk Road. London: John Murray.

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DATASET: Moroccan and Trans-Saharan trade routes 200 CE to 1930 CE

20 data points defining caravan routes across Atlas Mountains and Sahara

de Rouvray, Cristel. 2001. Expeditions in Morocco: Caravane Route Itinerary.

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